Greater Boston Urology Blog

How is a Nurse Practitioner Different from a Doctor?

In addition to our world-class urologists and urogynecologists, we also have world-class nurse practitioners (NPs) who see patients in our various care...

Testicular Cancer: Signs, Diagnosis, and Next Steps

April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. While testicular cancer can happen at any age, the American Cancer Society reports that it is "largely a disease of...

Bulkamid for Female Stress Urinary Incontinence

If you're a woman who's ever peed a little while doing something as simple as coughing or sneezing, you know how distressing stress urinary incontinence (SUI)...

What Does Blood in the Urine Indicate? Understanding...

Seeing blood in your urine can be distressing, but it's important not to panic. Hematuria, which is the medical name for blood in the urine, can have many...

How to Track Your Water Intake

Today's topic is all about how much water you should drink each day.

Bladder Botox: What You Need to Know

Most people have probably heard of cosmetic Botox for treating wrinkles and frown lines. But did you know Botox can be used in the bladder? It's true!

Lycopene & Prostate Health: What You Need to Know

For many urologic/urogynecologic conditions, dietary changes are often first-line treatments. Today, we're discussing an appropriate topic for Men's Health...

Trigger Point Injections for Pelvic Pain

Are you a woman dealing with pelvic pain? Do you experience it during intercourse? Does it hurt to pee or poop? Do you have pain inside or outside your vaginal...

Bladder Health Awareness Month

November is Bladder Health Awareness Month. So let's talk about our bladders! How big is a bladder anyway? How much urine can a bladder hold? Why is our pee...