Greater Boston Urology Blog

What is BCG Treatment for Bladder Cancer?

If you've been diagnosed with early-stage bladder cancer and your doctor prescribes Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) treatment, you likely googled "What is BCG...

Biote Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men: What You...

Dr. Jonathan Brajtbord, one of our board-certified urologists, is passionate about integrative medicine and helping patients optimize their health so they can...

Vaginal Health Tips for Menopausal Women

If you're in perimenopause or menopause, you might be experiencing vaginal dryness, which can make you feel irritation, pressure, discomfort, or rawness in the...

What to Expect When Seeing a Physician Assistant vs. a...

Patients often have questions about working with physician assistants (PA). We asked Kennedy Robinson, a talented PA from our Milton Care Center, to demystify...

How Men's Emotions Can Affect Their Bodies

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which you might find an odd thing for a urology practice to highlight on its blog. But here's the thing: Our mental...

Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies for Bladder Cancer

In honor of Bladder Cancer Awareness Month, we've asked one of our nurse practitioners, Urline Gregoire from our North Easton Care Center, to answer common...

What is a Metabolic Workup for Kidney Stones?

If you're at risk for kidney stones or you've already experienced one of these painful little buggers, your urologist has likely drawn blood for a metabolic...

A Collaborative Approach to Women's Health at GBU

If you've ever heard medical providers talk about their collaborative approach to medicine, you might have wondered what they meant.

What Does a Physician Assistant Preceptor Do?

Donna Robbins is one of our long-time physician assistants and works out of the Dedham Care Center. Donna earned her Bachelor of Arts from Colgate University...